Component Holder - 2 Way

PA0875-001 Component holder 2 way for 2 leg devices.jpg
PA0875-001 Component holder 2 way for 2 leg devices.jpg

Component Holder - 2 Way


Code: PA0875-001

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Strong and convenient method of attaching small and difficult to handle components to a set of 2 4mm banana sockets to allow connections to be made to small or fragile components by standard 4mm banana plugs.
Constructed from strong fiberglass circuit board material – making it very sturdy for student use Has 2 x banana sockets & 2 x connectors.
Parts are fitted to the holders – there is no need to solder.
Components that can be supported include: transistors, diodes, resistors, MES lamp sockets, LEDs with their resistors or diodes.
Fitted with plastic feet to protect benches from being scratched from sharp wires & parts.
Size: 73 x 38mm.
Genuine IEC product